Korean Drama Review: Baker King, Kim Tak Gu | Young Ajummah

Korean Drama Review: Baker King, Kim Tak Gu

V.O.S. The End of the Day




Episodes: 30
Air Date: June 9, 2010 to September 16, 2010
Main Cast: Yoon Shi Yoon, Joo Won, Eugene, Lee Young Ah, Jun Kwang Ryul, Jun Mi Sun

I blame this drama for making me gain weight while watching it. I’ve never seen a drama based around food, with the exception of Flower Boy Ramen Shop and that didn’t do me in like this drama. Maybe its my sweet tooth… Anyway before I work myself up and head to my nearest bakery, let me give a quick rundown, recap, etc on Baker King Kim Tak Gu. There’s spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen it. 미안해!

Tak Gu is born to Goo Il Joong and his house nurse (read mistress) Kim Mi Sun after Il Joong’s wife, Seo In Sook gives birth to yet another daughter. Apparently there is some code that says only men can take over the family business and In Sook, not wanting her children or herself be left out of the fortune, has an affair of her own with Il Joong’s pseudo best friend/manager Han Seung Ja. In Sook finds out that her husband step out on her (which is code for having an affair) and tries to force Tak Gu’s mother to have an abortion. She runs out of the hospital and dashes away. 9 months later, Ma Jun is born.
In Sook hasn’t forgotten about Kim Mi Sun and has her minons find her. She’s in the countryside ready to give birth to Tak Gu. The bad guys burst into the clinic where she’s working and try to get her but she gets away only to come back to the same place to give birth. After she delivers the baby, she’s off and running and in a moment of niceness, Seung Ja lets her go. Now I need to pause for a second and say that I have given birth and there was no way I’d be running around 5 minutes after delivery, just saying.

Fast forward 9 years, and now we really get to see how the children act. And my goodness what great actors they were.  Ma Jun was such a brat!!! Ugh, I’ll just skip his part. Tak Gu ends up living with the family during a series of kdrama events and is treated like shit unfairly. He perseveres as he learns how to bake bread like his father (His father is head of a huge baked goods company). Ma Jun is jealous as is In Sook and she whines to Seung Ja to get him out of the house.
Just about this time Il Joong realizes something is up with his with and friend and tries to have Tak Gu’s mother moved to a “secure” location. Rather then just tell her what was going on, he has her fake kidnapped, poor woman. Kdrama magic has her escaping and then FALLING OFF A CLIFF.
Seung Ja tries to sell Tak Gu to fisherman but he gets away and vows to find his mother…how sad is that. 
12 YEARS later he and Ma Joon are working as apprentices at a bakery where they learn how to make bread. Ma Joon is still a brat but now he’s a sexy beast brat.

source: dramacafe

At this point of the drama, my husband is watching with me and we are both fully invested in it while eating red bean paste bread I’ve picked up. Ma Joon pretends not to know who Tak Gu is and Tak Gu honestly doesn’t know Ma Joon (since he’s using a pseudo name). This rundown is not so quick is it? Well the drama was 30 episodes so bear with me. There is so much more going on in this drama that I haven’t even touched so don’t worry, I’m not spoiling EVERYTHING. There is a love triangle (of course there is right?) and more deceit and sadness and anger before Tak Gu is reunited with his mom (ep. 28 perhaps). After one final action packed episode, everything is solved and most live happily ever after (and yes Ma Jun finally acts the way he’s supposed to).
This was the longest drama I’ve ever seen and as much as I liked it, I refuse to watch anything longer then 30 episodes (Sorry Smile Dong hae, I cannot handle 100+ episodes). If you haven’t seen it, definitely put it on your must see list. You won’t be disappointed. Trust me, if you love Bridal Mask, you won’t be disappointed.
Watcher Baker King on Dramafever!

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