Verbal Jint

Fangirl Friday: Verbal Jint

Korean Hip-Hop

I don’t even know when I first discovered Verbal Jint. I just remember always liking his music. His style. He just seems so laid back and cool. The ultimate person for #MCM or whatever they have on Instagram. I’m honestly surprised I’ve never done a fangirl post on him. Because seriously I should have. You know why?

Because I almost freaking cried when I met him.


20140522_235934[1] Verbal Jint & Ajummah

Do you see my face? That’s not an “I’m uncomfortable in this setting” face. That’s an “I’m trying my hardest not to cry and completely embarrass myself” face. I don’t even know what I said to him, Other then hello. All I remember of that moment was damn near running over and sliding myself between him and Hwayoung (who wrote As One’s For The Night) and then thinking Holy Shit.

I think the first time I consciously remember saying I liked this man and his music was hearing this song.

I remember thinking…wow. Not what I expected from a hip-hop artist. But definitely something I could get behind. And then I came across this song.

I was done. The musicality, the voice, the lyrics (I had to google them, though the site is no longer active), I was sold. I said to myself if he ever came to the States, I would be there. He did and I was.

Verbal Jint’s name is Kim Jin-tae and has had a multitude of songs and has been around since before 2001. He’s a producer, musician, lyricist…at one point I think he was a model, oh. And he apparently took & passed the bar exam (so let’s add lawyer to the mix).

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He’s been very active doing concerts and joining other artists on tracks & making me lose my mind on social media

having a fun time on Instagram.

I could go on for days, rambling about how VJ’s such an amazing artist and what not but really I think that picture is worth a thousand words.

So tell me, what was your first Verbal Jint song? Do you love him as much as I do? Let me know in the comments below, or let him know via twitter or Instagram.

Official Twitter: freevj

Official Instagram: freevjfreevj

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1 Comment

Reply [Throwback Post] Why I Think Verbal Jint is the Best Rapper - 한국어 드라마를 사랑해 Young Ajummah October 25, 2015 at 09:51

[…] Mix one part smooth vocal, one part rhyming artistry, one part haunting melody and you have one of the greatest Korean rappers of all time. Throw in devilishly good looks, and you have Verbal Jint. […]

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