International Kpop Fan Problems: The Concert Edition Pt. 2


OMG….I can’t even with this post. This is just another reason why International Kpop fans are so damn special and the idols and their companies SHOULD RECOGNIZE IT!!!

Infinite is coming to the States this November. I’ve mentioned it several times on twitter. Originally the sites were LA (typical) NYC (typical) San Jose and Fairfax, VA (a town right outside of DC). I wanted to go despite the fact that I don’t really know much of their music *gasp* I love the crap out of Infinite H though 0_0

Stuff (life) happened and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to go. As we know the ticket wars for kpop concerts are dangerous. But if it was meant to be, it would happen. For the next month and a half, I would check the tickets. As of a week ago, there were still LOTS of tickets left and I was think YES maybe I’d be able to go after all.

Surely they wouldn’t sell all those tickets before I bought mine right? Well the kpop gods had other ideas. This happend around 2pm today.
What the fuck??? 

So if you were lucky enough to get tickets the first time, too bad so sad, because you gotta do it all over again. Oh and the new venue? About 1/10 of the size of the original one. FOLKS. WERE. PISSED.

@Young_Ajummah they are wrong for that. Why wait til the last minute? There is no excuse. The fans that book hotels or airfare.
— Koneisha Austin (@MatchGurlAustin) October 28, 2013

@NewKDramaAddict @Young_Ajummah WTF! how about my current tix?
— missienelly (@missienelly) October 28, 2013

Why? I think it’s because they didn’t get to sell out like they did in NYC. I mean scroll back up and look at the blue. All that blue equals empty seats. The darker the blue, the more tickets available. Sooo what does this whole thing mean?

It means that there is going to be pure chaos. AGAIN.  Also there is standing room only. No seats. I don’t know if my ribs have healed from the Big Bang business yet so I really don”t want to get squashed.

*sigh* I’ll keep you guys updated on whether or not I plan on going. Let me know how you feel about this situation. I know I would have been pissed if I had tickets already and have to go through this madness again.

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1 Comment

Reply newkdramaaddict October 29, 2013 at 02:00

Well, if Nelly still wants to go, I'll go but this changes everything. Now I have to stay at my sisters because the venue is almost 2 hr from my house. Can't imagine driving home after the concert. Not a night driver. So if missy gets the tickets. Uh, Hello sister, I'm coming for a visit…

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