KCON LA 2017 Day 0. Every year I try to vlog KCON. Every year I freaking fail. Actually, I take that back. I did well the first time I was a special guest (I was so nervous) but every year since then, I get worse and worse. *sigh* I would like to say it’s because I’m so busy with working KCON and hanging out with friends, that I forget to actually record everything. I would say that I will do better next year but if you’ve been with me this long, you know I’m probably lying. I mean well.
Thankfully my k-pop tater tot, Zombie Mamma, always does these cool daily recaps of KCon rather then vlogging so I decided to give it a try. Enter Thursday, August 17. Day 0 of KCON. *cue dramatic music*
Normally I fly Southwest but Delta has been having a sale *cough cough* so I decided to give them a try. My flight was a bit later than normal. One thing I didn’t realize was that Delta had televisions on board so it helped ease my nerves. You would think that by now I would be okay with flying but nope!
Fast forward to finally landing in LAX and I see not 1 but 2 (2? 2!) friends were on the same damn flight. I could have been talking to my k-pop buddies.
So this randomly happened:
Me and @Young_Ajummah were on the same flight…
HOW, SWAY??!!??— Amor al Mundo ❤ 사이 (@MindlessCy) August 17, 2017
Next time I will pay better attention to my surroundings. Having said that the first order of business (besides find my stuff…why are ALL my bags black? I need to get new luggage) was to get coffee and pick up my 언니 DeShonda. We only see each other once a year so I was super excited to see her.
After grabbing 언니 number 2 and fellow Scorpio (yes that matters) Tasha, we were off to our Airbnb. Now I will be honest, last year our place was not that great. I mean it wasn’t like horror movie Hostel level but there were ants in the shower. Ants. In. The. Shower. *sigh* moving on.
THIS PLACE WAS A DREAM. If you ever need a place to stay near Downtown LA and/or Koreatown, check out Leslie and Sovi’s place. Even though the place is a studio apartment, the three of us didn’t feel cramped. It was pretty close to everything and (best part) no ants!
- photo credit: airbnb.com
- photo credit: airbnb.com
- photo credit: airbnb.com
- photo credit: airbnb.com
We were only in the room for a small amount of time (enough to use the bathroom, drop off luggage, and snoop around) and then we were off to find food.
After eating well, we wandered the neighborhood (Westlake) and then headed off back to the room to change shoes (why the hell did I pick the day of travel to wear new shoes? I had blisters for days) and head to Bulgogi Hut for a company dinner. Once again, I did not take pictures/video (damn it Sara!) but you want to talk about a family reunion? Fresh Baon, Ky, Zombie Mamma, Multifacetedacg…it just goes on and on. We ate, drank and were merry well into the night.
We decided to head back to the room to sleep since it was going to be a LONG day 1. By the way, after 3 bottles of soju, I learned that I tend to wake up at 3am and start searching for toilet paper. Don’t ask but it was a real situation in my mind and I woke the whole house up in my search.
I didn’t do early check in like I did last year so I was worried about lines. Thankfully I didn’t have to worry about that but that story will have to wait for the day 1 recap. What did you do on day 0 of KCON? Link me videos, photos and/or let me know in the comments below.
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