Year Released: 2014 Genre: Crime/Mystery Cast: Kang Sung Min, Yun Joon Suk, Kim Jong Su,…
I have had many bouts where I’ve tried to learn Korean on my own. Obviously…
NEW YORK – February 6, 2015 – The 3rd Annual DramaFever Awards presented by Toyota,…
It was reported that Amber recently failed her Army physical during an episode of Real…
I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!!! I swear. I would blend so easily into this…
Real Name:Kim Jung – hwan Age: 24 Birthdate: November 23, 1990 Eddy Kim is like…
Wooo! How many people were waiting for this Jonghyun and Zion.T song to drop? *raises…
Release Date: December 6, 2012 Genre: Suspense-Thriller Main Actors: Lee Dong-Kyu , Kim Jin-Sun, Han…
Happy New Years! I can’t believe its 2015 already! I hope all of my readers…