Where To Watch Dramas [updated]

where to watch asian dramas

When I first started this blog, I sited Drama Fever and Viki as two of the main places where I watch Korean dramas. I think those were the main places to go back when I started my obsession all those years ago (which was only back in 2011). As time went on, I added Youtube, Hulu and Netflix as my go to for dramas but there were times that I felt a bit sad from the limited selection. Don’t get me wrong, they have a large selection…of standard stuff. Romance, comedies, rom-com…sageuks.  Yes there are others available, but none that I wanted to watch (pouts).

You see, young ajummah is cut from a different type of material. I live for crime dramas. Medical dramas, I can eat during surgery (usually). Horror genre….well I watch them but usually during the day(haha). I like traditional dramas as well but you can imagine that most of the time the stuff I want to see, isn’t available.

Enter CrunchyRoll. You might have heard me over on twitter at the beginning of the year, drooling over The All Mighty Park JungKeum. I found that little gem after floating around crunchyroll. I haven’t watched anything on there since then, but I know that is there for when I am ready for another undiscovered beauty.

After that I began to float around again because there wasn’t a drama I really wanted to see (it happens). SO my wonderful friend, New K-drama Addict, suggested I watch Japanese dramas while I wait for something to grab my attention. Enter series browser and good drama. These two sites seem to have a vast collection of Japanese dramas as well as some lesser named dramas. I just started watching The End of the World and so far I enjoy it.

Finally there is Kdrama.com which is a subsidiary of CrunchyRoll. Its new so I think its technically still in the beta phase but I’ll tell you why I like it. Cheo Yong: The Paranormal Detective and Gap Dong. THese two dramas are right up my alley. Ghosts and serial killers? Yes please. Hopefully kdrama.com will continue to get the rights to dramas like this (dramas I like to see).

With these sites you don’t have to worry about getting viruses or 15,000 popups. These sites get the Young Ajummah seal of approval, lol.

So go forth and enjoy all the dramas. Let me know what you’re watching and where!

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